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Adding a new language, ISO 639-3: ldn (Request)

Thanks -- I have added my babel code* to my user page (and at Metawiki also so it shows up on various sister wikis) and plan to add myself to the portal when possible, and I emailed some fellow Láadaná I've been in touch with before (and searching the net for skilled others is also a good idea). Now I'll wait for a site admin to see this thread.

*Looking forward to translate the strings for this in particular, although I wonder about the -N variant for languages with no proper native speakers like Láadan (although some of my fellows I believe would handily count as ldn-4). edit: I see localisation guidelines#Translate, don't customize so I presume such concerns are beyond a given task of translating?

P.S. Did you mean Fandom? I don't see a FanZone in search results that looks relevant.

Álo (talk)09:05, 27 February 2022

Yes I meant Fanzone (the successor of defunct Wikia, whose support was ended here as the new company refused any communication; we don't know how they've tuned Mediawiki for their local use; but if they translate something, they do it by themselves or with their own tools, or via their own support)

Verdy p (talk)14:13, 27 February 2022
Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 06:50, 25 September 2022

phabricator ticket for the WD side of things: phab:T302705

update: patch has been submitted

update2: patch was edited to exclude ldn before being merged, but the topic is now in discussion at d:wikidata:report a technical problem#Adding a new language code, ISO 639-3: ldn (followup).

Álo (talk)01:03, 7 June 2022